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Looking forward to connecting!
Want to connect or have a prayer request?
Clink the link below and fill out the card!
Looking forward to connecting!
We are committed to investing in the next generation.
Because of that, we want you to know a few things about our care for kids and their parents/guardians.
We have three classes for the kids that run simultaneous with our worship service (except on Family Sunday).
Minis - this class is for babies until they are potty-trained.
Littles - this class is for potty-trained kiddos up to Kindergarten age.
Bigs - this class is for those elementary age students.
Our Littles and Bigs class stay in for the songs at the beginning of each service and then are dismissed to class right before the sermon.
We keep our Littles and Bigs students in for the entire service on the first Sunday of each month. This is called ‘Family Sunday’ at our church.
*Please know, all kids are welcome to stay in service each and every Sunday. Kids are a great blessing from God and joy to our church.