More About Us


Our Story

We are a Southern Baptist church plant that started weekly services in September of 2017. Along with participating with the SBC, we are part of Acts 29, a church planting network committed to planting churches that plant churches.

We started in the Moose Lodge right off the Square, where we met until moving into our own building at the end of 2020.

Since starting, we have joined our city’s various events to serve things like free cotton candy, snow cones, soda, and more. Along with these events, we have done numerous block parties, served alongside great organizations like HRC and Cathy’s house to provide meals and do supply drives, and much more.

We are grateful God has allowed us to be a part of His story and know that the best is yet to come!

Our Values

Biblical Emphasis - we believe the Word of God to be the final authority to God’s people and for God’s people. Because of this, we are convinced and convicted to focus our entire life on this gift God has given us, that we may know more about Him and His will for our lives.

Community Focused - we are committed to both biblical community and our local community. This means we seek to sacrificially meet our church family’s needs, physically and spiritually. We also believe God has placed each of us in Medina for a purpose, so we care for and love our neighbors in a Christ-like way.

Multi-Generational - we live in a generationally diverse town, so we want to make it a point to reflect that in our church body. The bible says there will be people saved from every tribe, tongue, and nation. Practically for us, that means diversely reaching our town, so we care for the old, young, and not yet born.

Personally Engaging - we aim to live a life that is personal and engaging to those around us. To do this requires intentionality, therefore, we are committed to doing life together in a way that loves and serves others in a personal way to show and share the Gospel of Christ.